DI Fabian Spitzer, BSc

Main Research
Automation, Smart Factory, Software Engineering, Robotics


After successfully graduating from the Linzer Technikum (HTBLA2) with a specialization on automation engineering, Fabian Spitzer began to study Automation Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria at Wels campus.
Since 2018 he has been working as a research and development associate at Wels campus in the field of automation and software development. He worked on various research projects such as B&R Smart Factory 2020, a follow-up project of Human Centered Workplace 4 Industry (FFG #856362), where he also wrote his master thesis. Currently he works on the research project PlugBot (FFG #874293).
In 2019, he received his diploma in engineering with the successful completion of the master's degree, and currently continues his studies in the newly founded master's degree program Robotic Systems Engineering.

FH OÖ Forschungs und Entwicklungs GmbH
Roseggerstraße 15, 4600 Wels, Austria
Mail: sar@fh-wels.at