Download details

WORM - Workflow Mode WORM - Workflow Modeller

The Workflow Modeler offers the possibility to model workflows of machines, robots and humans simultaneously. From these so-called workflow models, which are created with the help of the graphical modeling software, any artifacts can be generated. These artifacts offer considerable added value for the end user and can be, for example: Programs for control systems, scripts for robot applications, visualizations for displaying workflows, or the like. With a comprehensive plugin interface it is additionally possible to implement - mostly project specific - plugins that perform arbitrary actions with these models.

Created 2021-03-22
Changed 2021-03-22
Size 144.2 MB
(21 votes)
Created by Super User
Changed by Super User
Downloads 141
License Research LicenceTooltip

FH OÖ Forschungs und Entwicklungs GmbH
Roseggerstraße 15, 4600 Wels, Austria